MailConverter 2.1: The Mailboxes Menu The Mailbox window is used as destinations for drags, and as a shorthand for placing the results of a conversion into an existing mailbox. Items dropped into a specific mailbox listed in the window will be converted and appended to the end of that mailbox. Double-clicking on a specific mailbox listed in the window, or selecting it and typing Return or Enter, will prompt for a file to be converted and appended to the end of the corresponding window. Items dropped into the background of the Mailbox window will be treated just as with the Convert File or Merge Folder commands (see The File Menu for descriptions of those commands). Files and folders from the Finder; text; and file "promises" (eg NewsWatcher articles by subject, and Anarchie remote files) can be dragged and dropped into this window. A dropped file or dropped text will be processed immediately. A dropped file promise will be processed when (a) the file exists (b) the file is not empty and (c) the file isn't being written into by some other process. Note that some promised files may never meet these criteria. A note about file "promises": these are drags that refer not to existing files, but to files that an application will create at the time of the drop. Examples are dragging Subjects from NewsWatcher group windows or files from Anarchie windows. MailConverter, in accepting these drops, has the responsibility of telling those applications where the new file should go; it will always use the (invisible) Temporary Items folder, on the startup disk. Following standard practice, such files will always be deleted after conversion. If this should fail for some reason, you'll see Rescued Items in the Trash next time you reboot. Don't worry about these; just empty the trash. A note re: appending to mailboxes when Eudora is running. If the mailbox window is open in Eudora, you won't see the new messages unless you close and reopen it, at which time you'll get the usual "contents changed" dialog (you should answer that you do want to regenerte the toc). Also, if you've deleted messages from a mailbox, the deleted messages will reappear if you append to it and regenerate its toc before compressing it. Unless you've deleted all messages....(Eudora weirdness). Z-Mail handles appending to open mailboxes without issue. Open Mailbox Window Displays the Mailbox window. New Mailbox... Adds a new item to the Mailbox window. You will be prompted for an existing mailbox, which must match the creator and type specifications in the Settings (note that this is generally impossible with the special Eumorpha settings for those variables). The Default Mailbox Folder, if specified, will be used as the starting point. New Mailboxes... You will be prompted for a folder, and each existing mailbox in that folder, or in any subfolder, will be added to the Mailbox window. "Mailbox" in this context means any file which matches the creator and type specifications in the Settings (note that this is generally impossible with the special Eumorpha settings for those variables). Selecting your Eudora folder, or your primary Z-Mail mail folder, is a quick way to get all of your mailboxes into the Mailboxes window. The Default Mailbox Folder, if specified, will be used as the starting point. Remove All Mailboxes Removes all mailboxes from the display (does nothing to the mailboxes themselves). Import File...(cmd-I) Convert a file and append the result to the mailbox currently selected in the Mailboxes window. Import Folder... Convert a folder and append the merged result to the mailbox currently selected in the Mailboxes window. Digestify Mailbox Digestify the currently selected mailbox (see The File Menu for more details on digestification). Digestify and Queue Mailbox Like Digestify Mailbox but in addition to generating the digest, an outgoing message will be created in Eudora with the digest as an attachment. For more details, see the description of the Digestify and Queue... command, in The File Menu. Remove Mailbox Remove the currently selected mailbox from the display (does nothing to the mailbox itself).